For some reason, many people believe that long black coffee is inferior to other types of coffee in some ways. What they don’t understand is that many people around the world love a good cup of long black, and that it is actually a very popular drink in many places. When a drink is inexperienced or improperly prepared, the drink is destroyed and requires an experienced hand and knowledge of the drink, click黑咖啡減肥-喝黑咖啡的好處-齋啡/ to learn more.
The proper preparation of long black coffee is relatively simple, and also very easy to do poorly.
What you need to do is: half the cup is filled with hot water. To make a double drink, you need to make a sufficient amount of espresso, and when a double drink is made, it should be poured directly into hot water. It is important that hot water is added first, then espresso, or a simple cup to become coffee. When you do this in the correct order, the espresso cream is preserved, and this is important for the drink. If you use good hot water, a good mix of ground coffee of good quality and learn how to drink espresso correctly, the drink will become even better and become a pleasure at artlife.
The long black color is much milder than regular espresso because of the hot water, and this is what many people like. In addition, the addition of hot water also makes it a drink that can be enjoyed longer and appreciated more fully. Water balances coffee and still gives a full coffee flavor. You do not get the taste of milk by destroying your coffee, and yet you get the softness that the addition of milk usually offers.